tirsdag den 3. januar 2012

To my dad

This is an image showing genuine love between father and daughter.
I don't think we show great respect for our dad before it's too late ....
But the love that can be seen in our fathers' eyes, that we maybe not can see
the love that show not only the feeling of love but also look after us.
Comfort us when we are sad, help us when we have problems,
not only in school but in all situations
, show us whats right and wrong ...
The only person in the world who will go out through fire and water. 
to be sure we're okay ...

But what good is it when the person we need is not there ....?

Dad I miss you, but I know it can not be different.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Helt fantastisk blog, fædre er fantastiske!
    Du virker som en super sød pige, og vi følger selvfølgelig din blog!
    Har du lyst til at følge vores?
    tak på forhånd
    amandaogkirstine.blogspot.com :-)

  2. hey :D
    mange tak!
    og jeg vil altid følge dem der spørg om det:)
